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WA Rovers run several events throughout the year, for both Rovers, and other sections of Scouting. Below is a taste of what we get up to in our annual calendar. Along with our big events, we also play host to some smaller events.


We attend events such as Mission Impossible, Midnight Express and various National and International Moots and Jamborees.


If you're interested in joining an event committee, or running one yourself, you can complete an EOI form.



Sandmoot is a social camp regularly held over the Labor Day long weekend. This camp is held at one of the Scouts WA Activity Centers across the state.


The weekend consists of social activities, community service and interesting cultural or adventurous activities (such as gourmet tours, or outdoor adventure skills).



For nearly 100 years WA Rovers have had the honor of guarding the state War Memorial as apart to the ANZAC Eve Vigil. This event also includes forming an Honour guard for the ANZAC Day Dawn Service. 

Anzac Day 2_edited.jpg


Gravelmoot is a yearly service camp. The purpose of the event is to give back to our scouting community by helping in refurbishment and maintenance works. Rovers are also given the chance to develop personally by learning new skills.




Mission Impossible is a team

Rogaining, skill and initiative competition event for Scouts (14+), Venturers and Rovers where Patrols navigate their way through the bush to various checkpoints and bases. There they compete in challenges to earn their team more points. The team with the most points at the end of the weekend earns their place on the MI Shield. As the sun sets the event turns to party mode. The Venturer/Rover Overnight Camp (or VROC) comes to life, with music, games and activities.



Maymoot is WA Rovers newest and freshest Rover Scout event.


The weekend focuses on Program and giving Rovers opportunities to develop spiritually, physically, intellectually along with their character, emotions and social skills, and a chance to get to know and connect with other Rovers.




The Rover Ball is a formal, annual dinner dance where Rovers can let their hair down and have a great night. This is a change from our usual service or muddy events. The ball is run every year by a different Unit and with a different theme.


See a gap in the market?

WA Rovers are always keen for new events and experiences! If you've got an idea for an event and are looking to get it off the ground, you can complete an EOI Form!

(08) 6240 7700
133 Scarborough Beach Road
Mount Hawthorn WA 6016
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